
Saturday Nov 09, 2024
Saturday Nov 09, 2024
BUY GOLD HERE:https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/Save yourself from CBDCs and technocratic control! Work with Mark Gonzales!
Josh Sigurdson talks with Mark Gonzales of First National Bullion about the continued collapse of banks across the board including Oklahoma based bank First National Bank Of Lindsay (not related to First National Bullion).In the case of First National of Lindsay, only half of uninsured deposits were covered by the FDIC. We're seeing the FDIC cover less and less with each passing bank collapse as the system that's been entirely papered over for a decade and a half crumbles.Most banks have less than 1% cash to deposit ratio making them insolvent. Now, banks aren't getting bailed out anymore. They're being further centralized into major corporate entities as the Bank For International Settlements moves towards Basel 3 bail-ins.Recently, 63 countries signed on to Basel 3 which enforces bail-in regimes worldwide as banks steal your money to pay off their debts. All the banks have is debt, so that's everything.The FDIC is not only underfunded, but bankrupt. Your money will not be given back unless in the way of digital credits (like social credit scores) attached to a CBDC.As inflation skyrockets and we witness the controlled demolition of the financial system to bring in a new technocratic system of governance, hundreds of millions of people are at risk of losing everything by trusting their money to the banks in the form of fiat currency. In the new digital age, it'll be used against you to force you into total compliance and serfdom.
It's incredibly important to insure your wealth OUTSIDE of the system utilizing gold, silver and perhaps privacy coins. In our opinion, not financial advice. Isn't it obvious though?
Prepare yourself today! Stay tuned for more from WAM!
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World Alternative Media2024

Friday Nov 08, 2024
Friday Nov 08, 2024
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GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1
Josh Sigurdson reports on the massive flooding in Spain as the United Kingdom faces potential rationing due to food shortages.As Hurricane Rafael nears the United States after months of modified and manipulated hurricanes like Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton which caused widespread devastation, we're seeing hundreds of Earthquakes go off throughout Europe and the United States.Simultaneously, we have seen deadly floods in Spain that appeared to "come out of nowhere" without even a rainfall according to many people living around Valencia, Spain.When we look at weather maps and precipitation mapping leading up to the flooding in Spain, it's clear that there is some strange weather modification happening. We know this is very possible for the state to do as there are many projects surrounding moving hurricanes which the US and UK governments have openly admitted to in the past. There is also the more recent case of Dubai where cloud seeding lead to massive flooding, destroying tourism for a period of time and devastating many businesses.The reality is, it's real. And why would the government destroy parts of their own country? Because out of chaos comes order and with fear comes dependence as the supply chain collapses and the grid becomes useless. From there, the state pushes digital IDs, emergency orders, CBDCs, attached carbon and social credits (people will blindly believe this is "climate change" due to cO2) and eventually 15 Minute Cities. It's the obvious direction of the World Economic Forum and it's being adopted everywhere with food rations and electricity rations.Spain even involved itself with the United Nations in April to July 2020 as we reported at the time "spraying the skies with heavy metals to combat covid." They're obviously open to eugenics and creating mass psychosis.The United Nations recently passed The Pact For The Future which we had previously reported on with Mark Gonzales. 193 countries agreed to this LAW. This involves all countries to bow to net zero, bans on meat by 2029 as well as air travel. It involves having a digital ID and a carbon credit score attached to a digital bank account which can shut you out if you say negative things about the government.This passed and few realized.And it just happens that they're pushing weather modification to the brink simultaneously as well as destroying the supply chain with World War 3, Civil War, the Bird Flu hoax which involves culling massive numbers of animals as well as injecting the food supply and of course the elimination of farm land.It's not a coincidence.
They want technocracy. Get prepared now.
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
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World Alternative Media2024

Wednesday Nov 06, 2024

Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
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BUY GOLD HERE:https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/
GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1
Josh Sigurdson reports on the "historic" win of former and now future President Donald Trump as the election is decided by a landslide.While it's perfectly understandable that people are excited and they like a lot of what he says and are rightly happy that they don't have to hear from Kamala Harris anymore, there's so much more to the story.
Presidents aren't actually in power. The so-called deep state continues to grow regardless of the president. They take away 10 freedoms, allow us to take back 6 and we think we're free. We're still on the same plantation and the conclusion remains the same. The Great Reset. World War 3. Civil War. People think that Trump has the power to stop the global order. He can't even stop Israel from taking over the government as they call for war with Iran.They're keeping the populace sitting on their hands while making them think they're taking action by voting.There are no doubt many reasons why Trump won. People are angry. They've been silenced, attacked, called names and told they don't matter. This is their reckoning. However, while Trump and RFK Jr present many great ideas, the solutions to the problems of government cannot come from the government. They have us spinning in circles never solving the real problems which tend to be the state and collectivist cult itself.People want to feel comfortable with their "side." The problem is, both "sides" are part of the same collectivist bubble and it goes in a circle for eternity. We've been dealing with this since ancient Greece, yet here we are, continuing to offload our responsibilities and freedoms on the very entity that wants to crush them under the guise of "saving them." It's doublethink.
In this video, we cover the election win for Donald Trump and the road forward including battling the technocratic cult of Elon Musk and controlled opposition.
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
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World Alternative Media2024

Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
BUY GOLD HERE:https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/Protect against CBDCs. Work with Mark Gonzales!
Josh Sigurdson talks with Mark Gonzales of First National about the obvious manipulation of the public into "Civil War" which governments worldwide want in their locale in order to bring in technocratic emergency orders. Order out of chaos as they say.With the United States federal elections happening as we speak, people seem to forget that elections are fake and the results are never actually accurate. Voting for your plantation master only gives you the illusion of freedom. As this election takes place, we've never seen such divide and we've never seen such risk of civil war. The United States isn't alone on that either. The United Kingdom also faces civil war. It's all by design.With new powers at the United Nations following 193 countries signing on to the Pact For The Future, anything anyone says on social media or publicly that is critical of the government or establishment in any way can be used against them and their bank account can be shuttered.This comes also at the same time as Basel 3 is signed on by 63 countries which includes "bail-in regimes" where your bank account can be drained to pay for the bankrupted banks you depend on. They will simply take your money and it will be largely uninsured despite what people actually believe is the case.
Yes, the election between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris is consequential. However, it's not consequential in the way people think. There are no "winners." It's consequential regardless of who "wins" as the state attempts to create chaos and bring in new emergency orders where digital IDs, social credit, rations and lockdowns can be enforced. They SAY they want this, so believe them.
Prepare yourselves today. Insure your wealth outside of the banking system. Look into gold and silver. Stock up on food. Live by example before it's too late. This isn't about fear, it's about action.
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
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GET FREEZE DRIED BEEF HERE:https://wambeef.com/Use Code WAMBEEF to save 25%!10+ Year Shelf life & All Natural!
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World Alternative Media2024

Monday Nov 04, 2024
Monday Nov 04, 2024
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GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1
Josh Sigurdson reports on the latest tyrannical move by Justin Trudeau's Orwellian Canada as a man who was severely injured according to the official government report by the "Covid Vaccine" was euthanized through Canada's MAiD program.Trudeau who claimed that injections were "safe and effective" and pushed severe mandates on people leading to the historic Trucker Protests in Ottawa later claimed that there were no mandates and that it was all voluntary. A slap in the face of all Canadians.Of course, millions were pushed to the point of choosing a vaccine injury or death or losing their jobs. This was all negotiable but with the fear being knocked into people at the time, millions submitted.Now, as scumbag Justin Trudeau happily gets a fake dud of a "flu shot" and an "updated covid shot" on camera for all Canadians to roll their eyes at, a man has actually been killed by the government due to his covid vaccine injury and he's not the only one!WAM's Josh Sigurdson also explains a personal story of someone he knows who was injected despite being warned only to end up with life threatening Lymphoma leading to him being euthanized as well.Now that these stories are starting to hit the news, it's almost Twilight Zone level insanity, yet where's the justice?A 40 year old man in Canada was just put to sleep by the state due to being mandated a deadly injection, becoming mentally ill and critically injured and people just shrug it off as if it's nothing, yet Canadians were fast to attack, shame and attempt to ruin the lives of anyone who didn't wear a face muzzle while at the grocery store.In ONE good piece of news, 6 San Francisco transit employees have been awarded 1 million dollars for being fired for refusing to take the deadly Covid injections.While many are waking up, we're still dealing with the latest more sophisticated eugenics practices. The USDA is now approving the use of DNA vaccines in salmon among other animals being injected with mRNA and modRNA.They hate us and want us dead. We must break free, live independently and prove to them that they do NOT control us.
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!
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World Alternative Media2024

Saturday Nov 02, 2024
Saturday Nov 02, 2024
GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5%!
GET FREEZE DRIED BEEF HERE:https://wambeef.com/Use Code WAMBEEF to save 25%!10+ Year Shelf life & All Natural!
GET TICKETS TO ANARCHAPULCO HERE:https://anarchapulco.com/Save money by using code WAM
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BUY GOLD HERE:https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/
GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1
Josh Sigurdson reports on the news of B52 bombers being sent to Israel to aid the country in its war against Iran, Lebanon and Palestine as millions are at risk of dying.Despite the Pentagon openly acknowledging that they're out of weapons, that the military is depleted due to supporting Ukraine and Israel, they are sending their last resources to their masters in Israel which will perpetuate a war that will likely escalate into World War 3.Iran has vowed to strike Israel and retaliate for the recent attacks by Israel on Tehran. Iran is of course a close ally of Russia and China. This is snowballing fast.
Palestinian hostages are being branded with numbers by the Israeli government and humiliated as the last hospitals are targeted and destroyed with children inside. Tens of thousands of women and children have been killed thus far and it appears to only be the beginning.Baalbek, Lebanon, one of the world's most historic cities is being pummeled by Israel, risking not just innocent lives but also temples and megaliths that are thousands of years old and rewrite history.Rules are being passed in Canada and the United States to potentially imprison those who criticize Israel by blanketly calling people "anti-semitic." We are already seeing this in many countries. These rules also pertain to Zionists shutting down your bank account if you criticize them.It's almost like they're desperate to prove the stereotypes true.Zionist Ben Shapiro says Trump will put globalist Mike Pompeo and David Friedman in charge of Israel policy. Mike Pompeo famously wants to destroy Iran.If people don't see how this is organized chaos to aid in the power shift between the west and the east and to establish emergency orders leading to the Great Reset, there's not much left to say...This is how the New World Order is established. A global technocracy in the face of chaos that was orchestrated by the very same psychopaths who claim to come with solutions.
Prepare yourselves.
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!
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World Alternative Media2024

Friday Nov 01, 2024
Friday Nov 01, 2024
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GET FREEZE DRIED BEEF HERE:https://wambeef.com/Use Code WAMBEEF to save 25%!10+ Year Shelf life & All Natural!
GET TICKETS TO ANARCHAPULCO HERE:https://anarchapulco.com/Save money by using code WAM
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GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1
Josh Sigurdson reports on the potential establishment of new "vaccine passports" as the United States, Canada and Mexico appear to be coming together over thee new "Pandemic Preparedness Initiative."The joint initiative risks opening up Canada, Mexico and the United States even MORESO to the World Health Organization's demands as the calls for a global health ID continue to perpetuate in the face of further pandemic hoaxes including Bird Flu and Monkeypox.As more people are falsely diagnosed with "Bird Flu," so-called "experts" are weighing in, saying that Bird Flu and the regular flu may morph together to create a super bug.The issue with that is, the flu is largely a mythical illness as it is. More and more people are asking questions after "Covid" due to millions of people being falsely diagnosed with fraudulent PCR tests. Those that had heart attacks, cancer, pneumonia or other ailments were classified as "Covid-19."Now, as people look closer at the regular flu which pharma has used for decades to push flu shots, it's clear at 97.5% of all cases were not the flu at all, but bodily ailments due to the terrain a person puts their body through. That's in the margin of error by the way, meaning that we can pretty much just say 100% of the cases were not the flu.People for decades have gotten food poisoning, inflammation of organs and poisoning from vaccines and pharmaceuticals and it was passed off as "the flu." This is why so many people report only ever getting the flu after getting a flu vaccine.They've been leading us towards a global technocracy for a century, forcing us to be enslaved or die from ailments. They use the typical fear humans face when death appears close to control the masses.Now, the USDA is approving DNA vaccines to be put into food found at your local market.Tens of millions or more have died from the Covid vaccines. Tens of millions will die early from mysterious illnesses, heart problems, stroke and cancer after being injected in the coming years. This all leads to the global health passports and eventually a CBDC connected to digital IDs with carbon and social credit scores determining your food rations as they poison and devastate the supply chain.The World Economic Forum has openly said in 2022 that "Covid" was just a test for compliance to bring in 15 Minute Cities and technocratic, digital control over the masses. The Great Reset.
Are you prepared?
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
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World Alternative Media2024

Thursday Oct 31, 2024
Thursday Oct 31, 2024
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GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1
Josh Sigurdson reports on the latest warnings by the European Union Commission as they tell people to stock up on at least 72 hours of food which is of course not enough but obviously signatory of the direction we're heading.The EU has admitted that they have no way to "take care of people" in a crisis. As the EU says nuclear war and famine are just over the horizon, they are telling people to stock up for a short time.
The reality is, the wars are manufactured as the EU desperately by proxy causes conflict in Russia and bows to Israel. They're also actively destroying the supply chain with climate policies and new Bird Flu initiatives.This gives the state the "excuse" they need to bring in emergency orders and completely shift into a new mandated ration system with digital IDs, carbon credits and social credits.As weather modification causes massive floods in Valencia, Spain, the Netherlands which was the first EU country to call for the destruction of 50% of farms to "fight climate change" is now installing 15 Minute Cities to enslave the population.This comes as polls call for rationing meat and fuel with 40% in support. This also comes as the United Nations have recently passed the "Pact For The Future" which involves digital IDs, carbon credits, food rations and the shuttering of bank accounts if you say negative things about the government online.
This is happening now. To claim it's all just a coincidence is to be essentially suicidal. You must prepare yourself today and stop waiting.
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!
HELP SUPPORT US AS WE DOCUMENT HISTORY HERE:https://gogetfunding.com/help-wam-cover-history/
PayPal: ancientwonderstelevision@gmail.com
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World Alternative Media2024

Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
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GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1
Josh Sigurdson reports on the psyop that is the Iran/Israel war as Israeli owned governments worldwide call for World War 3 by calling for Iran's demise.Iran which was armed and funded by the west is also a major ally of Russia and China as we see a shift from the west to the east by design. Israel was propped up by the west as well. So was Russia. So was Ukraine. So was China. So was Iraq. This is getting old.As Ukraine is slowly brought into NATO and yet another attempt is made on the life of Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico, Trump is eating up the notion that Iran tried to assassinate him which is extremely absurd.Trump and JD Vance have both called for in one way or another, the destruction of Iran. Kamala Harris and Biden have both called Iran the biggest threat to the United States. Both sides bow to Israel. Both situations lead to World War 3 with Russia. The idea that one side will stop war and the other won't is ridiculous.Presidents don't have power. The script was written long ago. World War 3 will be the lead in to The Great Reset and the excuse needed enforce global emergency orders and technocratic tyranny.It will also lead to civil wars worldwide due to mass migration which Netanyahu brags about.
This is one giant psyop and most political cucks are falling for it.
The real war is on humanity.
Get prepared.
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
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PayPal: ancientwonderstelevision@gmail.com
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World Alternative Media2024