
Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
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GET FREEZE DRIED BEEF HERE:https://wambeef.com/Use Code WAMBEEF to save 25%!10+ Year Shelf life & All Natural!
GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE:https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAMUse Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology!
GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!
BUY GOLD HERE:https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/
GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1
Josh Sigurdson reports on the bombing of Tel Aviv as Iran sends ballistic missiles which were allowed through the Iron Dome on purpose by Israel in order to justify further atrocities.The script is playing out exactly as we've predicted.Israel has killed tens of thousands of innocent civilians, mostly women and children. They've instigated countless acts of aggression and when the other side takes the bait and fires back, they use it as justification.The Mossad Headquarters has allegedly been destroyed in Tel Aviv as ballistic missiles break through the Iron Dome. Interestingly, while Israel claims they cannot use the Iron Dome to shoot down ballistic missiles from 3 countries away which they could easily track, they still claim to have shot down the majority of them. The US Navy has said they've intercepted countless rockets as well from destroyer ships. This blatantly debunks the notion that the Iron Dome was not working when it comes to ballistics. It has for years and now a new false narrative is being created.The reality is, Israel let it happen so that they could further justify war and all out destruction in their agenda to bring upon the Greater Israel Project and cause World War 3 which would lead to the "Great Reset."We're seeing the "excuse" for the largest power shift in modern history. It was planned long ago. Even Iran is in on it.Iran is allies with Russia. The left side of the paradigm wants to go to war with Russia. The right side of the paradigm wants to go to war with Iran. Both lead to global conflict with Russia, China, Iran, India, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Taiwan, The United States, Britain and all of Europe. This is a death sentence for humanity and will be met with a massive technocratic shift into the reset with emergency orders, CBDCs, digital IDs and social credit. Do not be fooled.Both mainstream media and mainstream alternative media are pushing false narratives around this which lead to the same conclusion.
Iran has declared war on Israel. Israel has declared war on Iran. This is historic.If you don't want your son or daughter being sent to die for psychopathic Zionists, speak now and prepare accordingly.
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
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World Alternative Media2024

Monday Sep 30, 2024
Monday Sep 30, 2024
GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5%!
GET FREEZE DRIED BEEF HERE:https://wambeef.com/Use Code WAMBEEF to save 25%!10+ Year Shelf life & All Natural!
GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE:https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAMUse Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology!
GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!
BUY GOLD HERE:https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/
GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1
Josh Sigurdson reports on the declaration of war between Israel and Lebanon as Israel enters Lebanon by land and pummels Beirut in what they called "limited strikes."This is yet another escalation while simultaneously telling Iran not to defend itself as their politicians are killed in strikes.Israel is demanding the United States strike Iran for them which of course would cause a direct war with Russia who is already up against US proxies in Ukraine. Conveniently, Israel is also striking near Russian bases in Syria.Even the former Israeli Defense Minister is saying that Israel's military is immoral and is executing innocent Palestinians.1 million Lebanese are set to be displaced according to the Prime Minister of Lebanon.Israel doesn't care about getting rid of Hezbollah. They care about the Greater Israel Project and expanding their land from the Nile to the Euphrates while killing as many as possible along the way.If Hezbollah justifies Israel's strikes as a "terrorist organization," then what does that say for Israel whose IDF has killed hundreds of times more innocent civilians than Hezbollah?The US Navy was recently told to prepare for war with China by 2027 as China sends weapons to Russia and a new economic bloc shifts powers to BRICS. The US also just send over 500 million dollars to aid Taiwan in defense.They know exactly what they're doing and it's an excuse to force the world under new emergency orders and dictates which would push technocracy, digital ID, CBDCs and compliance across the board.
Are people going to fight back by being independent? Or will they sit and "wait to see what happens" as the world devolves into World War 3 chaos? The perfect situation for the Great Reset to take over. As Klaus Schwab said, China is the role model for the Great Reset. It was written this way long ago.
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
ORDER QUALITY MEAT TO YOUR DOOR HERE:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321Save 20% and get $15 off your FIRST order!Support your local farms and stay healthy!
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World Alternative Media2024

Monday Sep 30, 2024
Monday Sep 30, 2024
GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5%!
GET FREEZE DRIED BEEF HERE:https://wambeef.com/Use Code WAMBEEF to save 25%!10+ Year Shelf life & All Natural!
GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE:https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAMUse Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology!
GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!
BUY GOLD HERE:https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/
GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1
Josh Sigurdson reports on the widespread destruction caused by Hurricane Helene in North and South Carolina as well as Hurricane John in Acapulco as we see further evidence of weather manipulation and warfare, utilizing hurricanes to destroy towns and force 15 Minute City rebuilds.
Hurricane Helene has so far tragically killed over 100 people. It started small and then suddenly grew dramatically in size and redirected on population centers specifically important to the supply chain. Asheville, North Carolina has been nearly destroyed and is inundated with flood waters.We saw similarly a small hurricane escalate dramatically off the shores of Acapulco, Mexico (Hurricane John) and direct itself a the city suddenly, then drawing back out to sea before mysteriously turning around and hitting Acapulco a second time. This comes less than a year after Acapulco was almost entirely destroyed by one of the largest hurricanes in history, Hurricane Otis which was a small storm which suddenly turned into a Category 5 and hit directly.
With the destruction of these towns, emergency orders are brought in, people are further normalized to climate restrictions, the supply chain breaks down right as a major strike is set to take place across the east and gulf coast and builders conveniently come in to redesign cities for the 15 Minute City agenda.Just days before Hurricane Helene struck, 193 countries as we reported signed on to the "Pact For The Future" at the United Nations. This guaranteed climate lockdowns, digital IDs, destruction of farm land, bans on meat and travel and more. Interesting that this happens and suddenly there are major hurricanes developing in strange ways hitting major supply chain and farming hubs.
Meanwhile, for further dry runs, Verizon cellphone networks went down across the United States leaving over 100,000 people without internet as they prepare us for a major false flag cyber attack to then replace the current networks with worse surveillance networks out of "safety" and "convenience."
Always remember... Tyranny comes under the guise of convenience.
Are you prepared for what they're planning? Isn't it blatantly clear at this point? Will you fight back by ensuring you and your family aren't dependent on those attempting to destroy your independence and humanity? Or will you just sit there and take it?
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
ORDER QUALITY MEAT TO YOUR DOOR HERE:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321Save 20% and get $15 off your FIRST order!Support your local farms and stay healthy!
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World Alternative Media2024

Sunday Sep 29, 2024
Sunday Sep 29, 2024
GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5%!
GET FREEZE DRIED BEEF HERE:https://wambeef.com/Use Code WAMBEEF to save 25%!10+ Year Shelf life & All Natural!
GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE:https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAMUse Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology!
GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!
BUY GOLD HERE:https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/
GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1
Josh Sigurdson reports on the announcement that NATO is preparing for a global war with Iran, Russia and other actors worldwide as we see the World War 3 script further playing out.We've seen a major shift in the war and it appears we're moving on to the next phase as Hezbollah's Nasrallah is killed, the Iranian Ayatollah is in hiding and Iran's ally Putin has said the United States and Britain have crossed the line, forcing Russia into potential nuclear war.While the military is also being prepared for war with China by 2027, the power shift we're witnessing couldn't be more obvious and planned.From the economic order to the cultural order, everything is shifting from west to east.Meanwhile, it appears Mexico will be used as a major pawn in World War 3 as the US government normalizes the notion of Mexico being allies with Russia and China, including having parades in with their militaries in the streets of Monterrey. Of course this is by design as the US government claims they found IEDs and RPGs on the border. Likely planted by the US government in the first place.The war on Lebanon continues to escalate and it's clear that Israel will find any excuse they can to continue massacring tens of thousands more women and children, even if Hezbollah is wiped out.Israel has killed another 39 Palestinians after bombing a school. Typical behavior by the psychopathic regime based in supremacy.Iraq is rising up in large numbers against Israel as well as the US embassy following decades of being tortured by the west and murdered in the millions.The US and British armies are looking to conscription/draft in the coming years as they prepare for this scripted war to force us into the technocratic "Great Reset."Alongside the conscription, they're laying out documents to force rations on people, including with mRNA as we've predicted so many times before. They're also getting rid of DEI in the military after years of weakening the population and the military for ensure the loss and collapse of the west in the coming battles.An FBI whistleblower is telling people to arm themselves and stock up. Perhaps it's time for people to take the warnings seriously.
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
ORDER QUALITY MEAT TO YOUR DOOR HERE:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321Save 20% and get $15 off your FIRST order!Support your local farms and stay healthy!
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World Alternative Media2024

Saturday Sep 28, 2024
Saturday Sep 28, 2024
GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1Use code Josh to save money!
Josh Sigurdson talks with John Richardson of Richardson Nutritional Center about the truth behind apricot seeds, or more notably laetrile and amygdalin as not just mainstream media but alternative media attacks the supplement that many believe to be a cancer cure with out of context studies and mal intent.Recently, someone who will remain unnamed in alternative media went on the attack against John Richardson, son of Dr. John Richardson Sr whose work with Ernst T Krebs in the 1970s exposed the wonders of apricot seeds to the world.In the attack video posted to YouTube by a man who won't even show his face on video, a 1978 and 1981 study were looked at, presenting completely false information about animals, cyanide and more with extremely easily debunkable claims. The creator of the video had to go out of his way to find these studies which leave out the additional chemical compounds used alongside laetrile which caused the problems noted in the dogs in the study.This is not just stupidity. It's wrong.Millions of lives have changed due to apricot seeds (or Vitamin B17) and hundreds of studies have been done on dogs and cats, not to mention mice with far higher dosages and absolutely no death. Instead, the studies were met with great success.As soon as chemotherapy entered the scene, amygdalin which was accepted as a useful tool against cancer by the FDA (and health organizations including the National Cancer Institute) suddenly ended up the target of vicious big pharma attacks.G. Edward Griffin wrote the book "World Without Cancer" many decades ago and the thousands of testimonials from people whose lives were changed forever have filled our past videos. Stories of the tribes who've lived off of apricot seeds have been told as their life expectancy rates high. Still, people who can't imagine we've been lied to about cancer attack apricot seeds while not even touching chemotherapy which kills 95% of people and has killed over 100 million over the last half century.So where are the priorities?
In this video, John Richardson breaks down examples of success, quotes by some of the most prestigious names in science and personal experience dealing with apricot seeds his entire life.
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
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GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5%!
GET FREEZE DRIED BEEF HERE:https://wambeef.com/Use Code WAMBEEF to save 25%!10+ Year Shelf life & All Natural!
GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!
GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE:https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAMUse Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology!
ORDER QUALITY MEAT TO YOUR DOOR HERE:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321Save 20% and get $15 off your FIRST order!Support your local farms and stay healthy!
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World Alternative Media2024

Friday Sep 27, 2024
Friday Sep 27, 2024
BUY GOLD HERE:https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/
GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5%!
GET FREEZE DRIED BEEF HERE:https://wambeef.com/Use Code WAMBEEF to save 25%!10+ Year Shelf life & All Natural!
GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!
GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1
Josh Sigurdson reports on the massive news that no one is talking about as The United Nations passes "The Pact For The Future" in 193 countries during the Summit Of The Future in New York, doubling down on Agenda 2030 and making it essentially international law to shut off your bank account and force you into the "net zero" agenda without the ability to resist.
This pact makes you a "global citizen" and enforces a biometric digital ID attached to carbon credits which The World Bank and The Group Of 20 is working on with banks and credit card companies throughout the world.Anyone with a dissonant opinion will be considered "misinformation" and will be hidden and memory holed.Those that are considered to have spoken or promoted "misinformation" will be fact checked and punished by the government. The system will be operated by artificial intelligence as well as enforced.Punishments include being locked out of one's bank account and being unable to make purchases, get on a plane, train or drive on public roads.
This also ensures that meat and travel be banned generally by 2029 as we previously have warned and that the world must be dramatically depopulated by 2030, less than 6 years away. This leads into the net zero by 2050 which sounds a lot like total extinction.People will be forced into 15 Minute Cities eating the foods the state gives them according to their credit score.
This is precisely what we've been warning of for many years and now the United Nations blatantly claims they have passed this. This is worse than the Pandemic Treaty. This is global government and technocracy hand in hand.
They're creating a hive mind and controlling humans, demoralizing humans and bankrupting humans of their very humanity.
If you don't get prepared for this, you will not make it. This isn't about fear. We want you to have solutions. But most want to be angry. Most don't actually want to take the solutions seriously.
Mark Gonzales breaks much of this down and also talks about wealth insurance as a real world solution so people aren't dependent on CBDCs in their bank controlling their every move.
Gold and silver physically is a really good option in this.
Also, stocking up on storable foods. There are ways to offset this very real tyranny encroaching on us all.
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE:https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAMUse Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology!
ORDER QUALITY MEAT TO YOUR DOOR HERE:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321Save 20% and get $15 off your FIRST order!Support your local farms and stay healthy!
HELP SUPPORT US AS WE DOCUMENT HISTORY HERE:https://gogetfunding.com/help-wam-cover-history/
PayPal: ancientwonderstelevision@gmail.com
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World Alternative Media2024

Friday Sep 27, 2024
Friday Sep 27, 2024
GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5%!
GET FREEZE DRIED BEEF HERE:https://wambeef.com/Use Code WAMBEEF to save 25%!10+ Year Shelf life & All Natural!
GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE:https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAMUse Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology!
GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!
BUY GOLD HERE:https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/
GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1
Josh Sigurdson reports on the serious threat people face as the food supply is directly targeted with poisons and distributed to families throughout the United States and Canada.The same chemicals banned in most countries worldwide are happily mixed into the foods in the United States and Canada.Recently, the United States approved a GMO wheat grown with a neurtoxic herbicide. Glufosinate ammonium. Add this to the already extremely dangerous glyphosate and it's a recipe for cancer, stroke and auto-immune disorders.This wheat is then used in children's cereal which also contains chlormaquat, a deadly toxin also banned in most countries which causes brain damage, DNA destruction, cancer, stroke, infertility and heart problems.Meanwhile, fake meat is already hitting stores throughout the United States and Canada. Chicken is being shown to be falsely manufactured with stringy, stretchy "protein."All the while, mRNA and modified RNA meat is hitting the shelves without most people's awareness leading to a long term disaster. The utilization of the "Bird Flu" hoax is leading to mass culling as well as mass injection.With the shortage of meat due to culling, climate restrictions, World War 3, supply chain gridlock and inflation, there's no saying how long meat will be available without having it rationed according to your "Social Credit Score." That is the ultimate goal of the establishment.With the rations you receive, you're best to assume that the food will be poisoned with all sorts of chemicals as well as mRNA. This is an emergency. They're creating problems and coming in with dangerous technocratic solutions that can seriously injure or kill you and your family.This is why it's important to stock up and reject the system of dependence built around you out of "convenience." Tyranny comes under the guise of convenience.
Prepare yourself today to evade the Great Reset tomorrow.
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
ORDER QUALITY MEAT TO YOUR DOOR HERE:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321Save 20% and get $15 off your FIRST order!Support your local farms and stay healthy!
HELP SUPPORT US AS WE DOCUMENT HISTORY HERE:https://gogetfunding.com/help-wam-cover-history/
PayPal: ancientwonderstelevision@gmail.com
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World Alternative Media2024

Thursday Sep 26, 2024
Thursday Sep 26, 2024
GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5%!
GET FREEZE DRIED BEEF HERE:https://wambeef.com/Use Code WAMBEEF to save 25%!10+ Year Shelf life & All Natural!
GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE:https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAMUse Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology!
GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!
BUY GOLD HERE:https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/
GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1
Josh Sigurdson reports on the news of the US Navy in a recent paper being directed to prepare for war with China by 2027.This news comes as conflict increases in the South China Seas, China arms Russia which is getting attacked by US proxies in Ukraine and the world prepares for a massive shift from the west to the east. By design.China has called on citizens to leave Israel immediately, interestingly not telling citizens to leave Lebanon. Many are speculating that they know something we don't.China has been propped up as a guinea pig state for the west for decades, especially since meetings between Kissinger and Mao commenced in the early 1970s, propping up China as a monopoly on trade leading into the Trilateral Commission's push to make the technocratic model used in China a global apparatus.Now, as China sees the economic powers of the world shift to it via BRICS, the only thing left is the "right crisis."China has social credit. China invented 15 Minute Cities. China is what Klaus Schwab says is the role model for the Great Reset. This is the agenda.With war between China with Russia, Iran and India (a former enemy of China) and the United States and Israel, this could be absolutely devastating. But this is exactly what both sides want. It was planned long ago.The normalization continues just as it was scripted.Are you prepared for what comes next? Remember, this is a psyop. Picking political sides is not a solution.
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
ORDER QUALITY MEAT TO YOUR DOOR HERE:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321Save 20% and get $15 off your FIRST order!Support your local farms and stay healthy!
HELP SUPPORT US AS WE DOCUMENT HISTORY HERE:https://gogetfunding.com/help-wam-cover-history/
PayPal: ancientwonderstelevision@gmail.com
FIND OUR CoinTree page here:https://cointr.ee/joshsigurdson
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World Alternative Media2024

Thursday Sep 26, 2024
Thursday Sep 26, 2024
GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5%!
GET FREEZE DRIED BEEF HERE:https://wambeef.com/Use Code WAMBEEF to save 25%!10+ Year Shelf life & All Natural!
GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE:https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAMUse Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology!
GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!
BUY GOLD HERE:https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/
GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1
Josh Sigurdson reports on the news of the violent Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua which has attempted taking over towns in Colorado and has lead to a trail of blood and chaos throughout the United States. The reality is that this gang is literally just a proxy of the CIA in order to stoke disorder and civil war.Tren de Aragua famously took over an apartment building. Two sets of brothers have been arrested and everything seems to point to this being a CIA plot to push a psyop.As bombs are found at the border with Mexico, Texas says that the border has been essentially left open for this Venezuelan gang.Of course it is. They want to create the chaos first before they come in with their fake solutions.The CIA has a long history of manipulating politics and arming and funding gangs in Venezuela, not to mention Mexico, Columbia, Nicaragua and many other places.Now that bombs are being found at the border, it's worth considering that the United States is prepping for a conflict with Mexico which has recently welcomed the Russian and Chinese military in parades and considered shifting into the BRICS system.They're normalizing the notion of Mexico being an "enemy" or proxy of Russia which then falsely "justifies" the United States sending troops into the bordered country. This is a major psyop and huge push towards not just World War 3 conflict but also Civil War inside the United States.
In this video, we go into the correlation between intelligence communities with sabotage and countries like Haiti, Venezuela and Cuba.
We also talk about how every single enemy the state faces was created and armed by them in the first place.
Problem, reaction, solution, repeat. The Hegelian Dialectic.
We also dig into the recent warnings from FBI specialist Marcus Allen who is telling people to arm themselves and stock up on food as we approach a major planned civilizational collapse.
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
ORDER QUALITY MEAT TO YOUR DOOR HERE:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321Save 20% and get $15 off your FIRST order!Support your local farms and stay healthy!
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World Alternative Media2024

Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
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Josh Sigurdson reports on the breaking news of more US troops being sent to Israel as a show of force in favor of Israel as the country devastates the region, commits false flag attacks and then uses them as justification to kill tens of thousands of women and children.The bombs dropped on Lebanon, mainly in civilian areas are atrocious and the rate of bombs dropped is speeding up daily as Israel essentially declares war on Lebanon.The Lebanese government has stated that if the bombs continue to pour in, the Lebanese army will fight alongside Hezbollah against Israel. This would inevitably lead to further conflict between Israel and the US with Iran which in turn would mean war with Russia and China who are top allies of Iran.It's all scripted and it's all planned.Tens of thousands of Lebanese are fleeing the country as Israel pummels them claiming bombs hiding among civilian homes, an absurd claim despite ridiculous falsified images recently released by Israel.Israel's justification is that Hezbollah is a terrorist group that has bombed them. They fail to mention that they sabotaged and attacked Lebanon in the first place and that Israel has killed hundreds of times more innocent civilians than Hezbollah. So then, who are the real terrorists?Meanwhile, the purge continues in Gaza as hospitals and aid workers are targeted. 83% of the food aid is being blocked by Israel.The US Navy is readying a plan for war with China by 2027. These moves perfectly encapsulate the timeline given by the World Economic Forum for a shift from the west to the east. It's by design.The end goal is total technocracy and the destruction of independent humanity.With CBDCs and digital IDs under emergency orders stemming from the destruction of the food and energy supply, World War 3 and staged civil war, it will easily force millions into bondage to a social credit system determining the poisonous rations they're allowed.Soon the agenda will succeed, but eventually it will fail. People need to get prepared for when it succeeds and when it comes crumbling down.
Prepare yourself and defend your independence today.
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
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