
Thursday Jun 20, 2024
Thursday Jun 20, 2024
GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5%!
GET ORGANIC COFFEE, MANUKA HONEY AND MUSHROOM TINCTURES HERE:https://madtravnutrition.com/Use Code "Josh" and save 10%!Support the work of Jaymie Icke & Ickonic!
HELP THE WAM LEGAL DEFENSE FUND HERE:https://gogetfunding.com/wam-legal-defense/
BUY GOLD HERE:https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/
GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1
Josh Sigurdson reports on the newly exposed documentation from the Israeli government proving the government knew of the October 7th attack by Hamas long before the attack occurred.If it isn't already obvious considering Hamas was created by Israel, the Israeli government has been caught yet AGAIN covering up information that showed they knew of the attack on October 7th in September. They did a multi-hour military stand-down, moved the music festival to the border at the last second and benefited greatly from the attack leading to an all-out assault and genocide in Palestine.The document named "Detailed End To End Raid Training" released on September 19th, 2023 details EXACTLY the number of people taken hostage and the exact time, date and method of attack.This is similar to Operation Jericho Wall which was exposed last year showing Israel knew one year ahead of time of the attack as the document details almost the exact same event occurring at the same time, but the previous document wasn't AS detailed as the newest release.The Egyptian government also claimed they warned Israel weeks ahead of time of the attack due to having intelligence on it. They were ignored.
Netanyahu famously said in 2001 that the 9/11 attacks (which were obviously an American/Israeli false flag) were "good for Israel." Yes, the attacks certainly opened the door for Israel to mass murder as many people as possible in their mission to bring about the "Greater Israel Project" and rebuild their temple.Israel doesn't mind killing countless Jewish people if it means they can achieve their evil globalist ethnostate agenda.This is all happening as World War 3 is pushed and normalized, Russia is sitting outside of Miami in Havana and a draft has essentially been initiated in the United States, multiple European countries and recommended in the UK.
Buckle up everyone.
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
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World Alternative Media2024

Thursday Jun 20, 2024
Thursday Jun 20, 2024
GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5%!
GET ORGANIC COFFEE, MANUKA HONEY AND MUSHROOM TINCTURES HERE:https://madtravnutrition.com/Use Code "Josh" and save 10%!Support the work of Jaymie Icke & Ickonic!
HELP THE WAM LEGAL DEFENSE FUND HERE:https://gogetfunding.com/wam-legal-defense/
BUY GOLD HERE:https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/
GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1
Josh Sigurdson reports on the news of MORE Russian submarines showing up off the coast of the United States in Havana as US submarines enter the area alongside several battleships and Air Force defense surveillance.This comes as Russia and Mexico announce they are officially military allies, something that we've been predicting would happen for quite some time as we see the global economy shift from the west to the east, all by design.The US is openly calling for the use of US arms crossing the border of Ukraine into Russia in an act of aggression. It's obvious that "peace" is not an objective.Russia has said that they're prepared to use maximum force against the US, UK and Europe as the war escalates.Will there be fighting on U.S. soil? It seems highly unlikely unless completely fabricated which would be difficult. It's more than likely the fire-fights would happen in The Balkans as well as by sea. Nonetheless, as has been said many times before, the United States will not fall due to a ground battle due to the vast size of the country. The United States will fall from within and it's clear that the country is currently self demolishing.Meanwhile, Austria has announced that they have no problem crossing Putin's red line.All of these countries were propped up by the west in the first place to seamlessly shift to the east in a collapse scenario. They were built to defeat the west. It's the Great Reset.Israel of course is one of the biggest players in this and the war is escalating in the middle east rapidly as well. Israel is calling for a full scale war with Hezbollah. They want to reduce the middle east to the same ash they've reduced Palestine to.This war against humanity cannot be tolerated any longer.
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
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World Alternative Media2024

Wednesday Jun 19, 2024
Wednesday Jun 19, 2024
GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5%!
GET ORGANIC COFFEE, MANUKA HONEY AND MUSHROOM TINCTURES HERE:https://madtravnutrition.com/Use Code "Josh" and save 10%!Support the work of Jaymie Icke & Ickonic!
HELP THE WAM LEGAL DEFENSE FUND HERE:https://gogetfunding.com/wam-legal-defense/
BUY GOLD HERE:https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/
GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1
Josh Sigurdson reports on the new study showing fake meat "alternatives" cause a spike in heart disease and early death including a 13% jump in people dying young!This news comes as Bill Gates tells people that in order to stop so-called "climate change," people must either stop cows from giving off gas or they must eat lab grown or artificial deadly meats. Of course Bill Gates is invested heavily in these failed meat alternative companies.Despite the fake meat companies like Beyond Meat and Impossible Meat failing miserably financially, this will not stop the agenda from going forward as the Department Of Defense is researching ways to force ration fake meat for soldiers which is how they trial ran cigarette addiction and processed cow milk for the population back in World War 1 as part of an Edward Bernays propaganda experiment. It clearly worked.It should be obvious however that the rations aren't just being researched for soldiers. They're clearly being researched for us as well as the psychopathic globalists destroy the supply chain via climate hysteria, a scripted World War 3 event and of course through a new fake plandemic like "Bird Flu."Are you awake yet? Do you want to eat Israeli made 3D printed meat?
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
ORDER QUALITY MEAT TO YOUR DOOR HERE:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321Save 20% and get $15 off your FIRST order!Support your local farms and stay healthy!
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Find us on Vigilante TV HERE:https://vigilante.tv/c/world_alternative_media/videos?s=1
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World Alternative Media2024

Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5%!
GET ORGANIC COFFEE, MANUKA HONEY AND MUSHROOM TINCTURES HERE:https://madtravnutrition.com/Use Code "Josh" and save 10%!Support the work of Jaymie Icke & Ickonic!
HELP THE WAM LEGAL DEFENSE FUND HERE:https://gogetfunding.com/wam-legal-defense/
BUY GOLD HERE:https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/
GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1
Josh Sigurdson reports on the continued propagandized push to get everyone to drop to their knees afraid of the so-called "Bird Flu" which both mainstream and mainstream alternative medias are propagating daily.Former CDC Director Robert Redfield who suddenly came out against the covid injections is now saying that there will absolutely be a "Bird Flu" pandemic soon. Not only that, but it will be due to gain of function.This manipulates those who partially woke up to the covid hoax and believe it existed as a gain of function bioweapon. The reality is, it was never isolated. The first mention of it by government was by DARPA in 2018 in a letter to Fauci calling it a "vaccine induced illness."All of the alt media personalities who fell for the covid hoax and then pretended to be rebels later are again either falling for the H5N1 hoax or are saying what they're told. They're manipulating those who've slowly awakened into a misdirection of sorts, leading people back to fear and desperation rather than self sustainability and consciousness.David Icke has been warning for years of the cult owned fake mainstream alternative media. It's becoming more blatant than ever that the alt media is controlled by opportunists and sellouts promoting a "new narrative."The food supply is currently under attack by the climate psychopaths, the warmongers and the bird flu cultists who are calling for all cows to be injected with mRNA vaccines as well as for humans to be ready to take mRNA bird flu vaccines. This means, there will be another mass die-off as well as a completely destroyed food supply with the only salvageable food being either the poisoned modRNA food or that which people have stocked up on ahead of time.Will people prepare? Or will they follow the mainstream alternative media cult off the cliff, again?
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
ORDER QUALITY MEAT TO YOUR DOOR HERE:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321Save 20% and get $15 off your FIRST order!Support your local farms and stay healthy!
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World Alternative Media2024

Monday Jun 17, 2024
Monday Jun 17, 2024
GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5%!
GET ORGANIC COFFEE, MANUKA HONEY AND MUSHROOM TINCTURES HERE:https://madtravnutrition.com/Use Code "Josh" and save 10%!Support the work of Jaymie Icke & Ickonic!
HELP THE WAM LEGAL DEFENSE FUND HERE:https://gogetfunding.com/wam-legal-defense/
BUY GOLD HERE:https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/
GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1
Josh Sigurdson reports on the breaking news of a military draft being signed into mandate by the US government under the National Defense Authorization Act which now clearly states that this is no longer voluntary.This comes just weeks after UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced he wanted mandatory military service for everyone who turns 18. The UK government also called for a draft earlier this year following their announcement that they were out of weapons stockpiles and no one was signing up for the military anymore. The US War College also called for a draft last year which we warned about.Germany has also introduced legal documentation for a draft and rationing of foods in a war time scenario which they're clearly openly pushing for. All by design.Simultaneously, Russian warships were seen doing missile tests in Cuba just outside of Florida with some Miami Beach residents see the ships themselves as well as multiple military jets circling around the area. The US and Canada has sent warships to Cuba following this event.With 100 world "leaders" meeting in Switzerland to talk "peace" regarding Ukraine and Russia, it was clear that the motive was to push further into Ukraine and towards Russia with NATO as world leaders who speak out mysteriously end up dead or shot.Medvedev, the former Russian President claims that the west is declaring war without rules and it gives Russia the right to respond with "maximum damage."
They're sleepwalking us into World War 3 and it's all by design. This is how they get their Great Reset. This is how they get a new technocratic world order. This is how they push us into 15 Minute Cities with food rations attached to social credit scores and carbon credit scores connected to a digital ID, connected to a CBDC. It's blatantly obvious where this is going.The controlled collapse of the west in favor of the new Eastern block. All propped up and created by the west as a replacement in the first place. The real war is on humanity, not between countries.
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
ORDER QUALITY MEAT TO YOUR DOOR HERE:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321Save 20% and get $15 off your FIRST order!Support your local farms and stay healthy!
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World Alternative Media2024

Thursday Jun 13, 2024
Thursday Jun 13, 2024
GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5%!
GET ORGANIC COFFEE, MANUKA HONEY AND MUSHROOM TINCTURES HERE:https://madtravnutrition.com/Use Code "Josh" and save 10%!Support the work of Jaymie Icke & Ickonic!
HELP THE WAM LEGAL DEFENSE FUND HERE:https://gogetfunding.com/wam-legal-defense/
BUY GOLD HERE:https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/
GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1
Josh Sigurdson reports on the mass recalls of food across the board as farmers are forced to cull nearly 100 herds of cows due to the bird flu hoax spreading quickly throughout mainstream and alternative medias alike.With millions of chickens culled and governments demanding farmers kill their herds, this hoax is getting out of control. The use of PCR tests on chickens is a joke in finding whether these animals are sick or not, especially considering the vast majority of these chickens culled have zero symptoms whatsoever. This isn't stopping the propaganda from escalating dramatically.Both mainstream and mainstream alternative medias are spreading fear mongering about the so-called "bird flu" of H5N1. This is helping push the agenda to destroy the food supply further which in turn leads to food rations on carbon and social credits attached a CBDC.The scripted World War 3 storyline is also leading to rations as the German government claims they will force conscription and food rations soon in a potentially inevitable fight with Russia. The rest of the NATO countries are likely to see a similar scenario.
They're destroying the food supply on one hand and poisoning the remaining food supply on the other. There's a reason why the elites are building bunkers and stocking up. Are you prepared? Or will you fall for their tricks and kiss their rings?
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
ORDER QUALITY MEAT TO YOUR DOOR HERE:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321Save 20% and get $15 off your FIRST order!Support your local farms and stay healthy!
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Find us on Vigilante TV HERE:https://vigilante.tv/c/world_alternative_media/videos?s=1
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World Alternative Media2024

Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5%!
GET ORGANIC COFFEE, MANUKA HONEY AND MUSHROOM TINCTURES HERE:https://madtravnutrition.com/Use Code "Josh" and save 10%!Support the work of Jaymie Icke & Ickonic!
HELP THE WAM LEGAL DEFENSE FUND HERE:https://gogetfunding.com/wam-legal-defense/
BUY GOLD HERE:https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/
GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1
Josh Sigurdson reports on the continued massacre of innocent civilians by the Israeli government as multiple countries including Spain support the genocide case against them. The question is, why right after Bilderberg ended in Spain, suddenly the country comes out against Israel while shaking hands with Ukraine?They are preparing to make Europe a battleground.With Germany bringing in a draft and preparing to ration food and France pushing for direct conflict with Russia which has already announced they will target France, people at the same time are rioting in the streets of Germany and France as fake elections bring about compliance to a new populist psyop.This is all about bringing down the west and propping up the east in the global move towards technocratic tyranny where people are cattle with numbers on the digital grid.They need the right excuse to bring in food rations on carbon credits and social credits. There is nothing more convenient for the establishment than global war as well as civil wars clashing people against each other, distracting them from the real enemies of mankind.It's also convenient that as this all happens, the CBDCs are rolled out, 15 Minute Cities are arranged and BRICS is meeting with 97 countries in attendance as they are allegedly preparing to launch their new world reserve currency.Are people paying attention yet?Are people preparing yet?
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
ORDER QUALITY MEAT TO YOUR DOOR HERE:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321Save 20% and get $15 off your FIRST order!Support your local farms and stay healthy!
HELP SUPPORT US AS WE DOCUMENT HISTORY HERE:https://gogetfunding.com/help-wam-cover-history/
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Find us on Vigilante TV HERE:https://vigilante.tv/c/world_alternative_media/videos?s=1
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World Alternative Media2024

Monday Jun 10, 2024
Monday Jun 10, 2024
GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5%!
GET ORGANIC COFFEE, MANUKA HONEY AND MUSHROOM TINCTURES HERE:https://madtravnutrition.com/Use Code "Josh" and save 10%!Support the work of Jaymie Icke & Ickonic!
HELP THE WAM LEGAL DEFENSE FUND HERE:https://gogetfunding.com/wam-legal-defense/
BUY GOLD HERE:https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/
GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1
Josh Sigurdson reports on the huge number of countries seeing a political populist "revolution" which is clearly part of a psyop to keep everyone distracted by politics, voting for their masters.As an awakening occurs and billions of people are questioning the reality they're living in, the political system like a parasite depends on people's compliance and support. Therefor, a slight of hand is happening to keep people on board. Fool people into thinking that due to populist candidates winning, government is somehow still the solution to government.In a weak and demoralized culture, it's easier to externalize responsibilities on an organized crime racket called government to keep people in line and stop people from rising up. Moreover, it helps drive people against each other instead of directing their energy towards getting rid of the racket.Humanity is based on individual responsibility, freedom, self sustainability. That is what the Romans would say creates "good times." The problem is, externalizing these responsibilities forces people to sell off their humanity to a giant, powerful entity. It indeed GIVES this entity power. It allows people to simply live as a collective hoard dependent on the milk of the breast of the state. It puts them on a plantation begging for their own enslavement.In this video, we talk about this so-called "populist revolution," the leaders of the new narrative cult and the promoters in mainstream alternative media which few but some in independent media are calling out, like ourselves. Like David Icke.When will people learn?
Meanwhile, 97 countries are attending the BRICS summit coming up right away where it is said by Russia that the new world reserve currency will be launched. A shift from the west to the east. Prepare yourself accordingly.
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
ORDER QUALITY MEAT TO YOUR DOOR HERE:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321Save 20% and get $15 off your FIRST order!Support your local farms and stay healthy!
HELP SUPPORT US AS WE DOCUMENT HISTORY HERE:https://gogetfunding.com/help-wam-cover-history/
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LION ENERGY: Never Run Out Of Power! PREPARE NOW!https://www.r1kln3trk.com/3PC4ZXC/D2N14D/
STOCK UP ON STOREABLE FOODS HERE:http://wamsurvival.com/
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Find us on Vigilante TV HERE:https://vigilante.tv/c/world_alternative_media/videos?s=1
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World Alternative Media2024

Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
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GET ORGANIC COFFEE, MANUKA HONEY AND MUSHROOM TINCTURES HERE:https://madtravnutrition.com/Use Code "Josh" and save 10%!Support the work of Jaymie Icke & Ickonic!
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GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1
Josh Sigurdson reports on the news of Dr. Anthony Fauci getting grilled in front of congressional subcommittee hearing by Marjorie Taylor Greene due to his support of mass vaccine mandates which killed millions of people according to recent studies. He also pushed masks, lockdowns and more destructive policies while trying to cover up his evil studies on beagle dogs.While the grilling is nice to see, Fauci is still walking free and complaining about people hating him despite the reasons being obvious.Trump and Biden both supported mass vaccination campaigns so let's not fall into the political trap of this all.Meanwhile, as the bird flu psyop continues to be pushed on the masses, the ruling class is investing huge sums of money into more vaccines and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is bragging about making Canada one of the top vaccine manufacturers in the world. Keep in mind that in late 2020, the Canadian government ordered the vast majority of mRNA vaccines for 2025, so what do they know that we don't know?Studies are showing an incredible increase in myocarditis among the injected to a percentage that cannot be disputed. Cancer deaths are also skyrocketing after injection. What comes next?
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
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World Alternative Media2024

Sunday Jun 02, 2024
Sunday Jun 02, 2024
GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5%!
GET ORGANIC COFFEE, MANUKA HONEY AND MUSHROOM TINCTURES HERE:https://madtravnutrition.com/Use Code "Josh" and save 10%!Support the work of Jaymie Icke & Ickonic!
HELP THE WAM LEGAL DEFENSE FUND HERE:https://gogetfunding.com/wam-legal-defense/
BUY GOLD HERE:https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/
GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1
Josh Sigurdson reports on the massive move by the Federal government attempting to shut down Alex Jones and Infowars following the absurd court case. They're calling it "bankruptcy liquidation."The reality is this is the state attempting to silence and destroy a person for simply questioning a historical event which is not a crime. People need to stop apologizing for this.This is happening at the same time as President Donald Trump is found guilty in his ridiculous hush money case. The last thing anyone should care about is how the president had sex and paid someone off. Find a president or billionaire who hasn't. That's not the issue. The issue is that the case's entire purpose is a psyop to force Trump on people as a "hero figure" utilizing the court system. This is just in time to stage a massive civil war event. Clash everyone against each other and reap the benefits for the state. Order out of chaos.
The attacks on Alex Jones and Donald Trump as well as many independent medias, activists and more is a blatant psyop to drive people into a fully armed civil war. They're pushing it so close to the line.It is not the fault of Alex Jones that they're using their own destruction of his business to push this civil war forward but it's clear that they're doing this in order to create a new middle narrative to force people into conflict and we cannot take the bait.With only a few months leading up to the 2024 election, you can bet there will be conflict in that time.Meanwhile, the United States is directly attacking Russia in Ukraine. So the conflict is here AND far. World War 3 is another staged event based on false flags.
So, they have World War 3, civil war, false flag cyber attacks to bring in the new internet of things, destruction of the economy to shift into a new eastern world reserve currency like BRICS which will be a cashless system, they're destroying the supply chain and grid in multiple ways in order to force us into rations on the CBDC with carbon credits and social credits, they're pushing injections and fake pandemics on people to make them sick, complacent and dead, they're destroying the housing market so you will own nothing, they're destroying the travel industry so you don't gain perspective and you're more easy to keep in your 15 Minute City, they're demoralizing society to weaken it and destroy it.This is the path to the New Tower Of Babel.
Are you prepared?
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
ORDER QUALITY MEAT TO YOUR DOOR HERE:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321Save 20% and get $15 off your FIRST order!Support your local farms and stay healthy!
HELP SUPPORT US AS WE DOCUMENT HISTORY HERE:https://gogetfunding.com/help-wam-cover-history/
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LION ENERGY: Never Run Out Of Power! PREPARE NOW!https://www.r1kln3trk.com/3PC4ZXC/D2N14D/
STOCK UP ON STOREABLE FOODS HERE:http://wamsurvival.com/
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Find us on Vigilante TV HERE:https://vigilante.tv/c/world_alternative_media/videos?s=1
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World Alternative Media2024